Main Website Update

Caleb Williams Photography Website Redesign: Index

Af­ter quite a few days of re­search, cod­ing, up­load­ing, test­ing, de­bug­ging and re-up­­load­­ing, the main Caleb Williams Pho­tog­ra­phy web­site is now live with an all-new code struc­ture de­signed to give all users the best vi­su­al ex­pe­ri­ence when vis­it­ing the Caleb Williams Pho­tog­ra­phy web­site. Us­ing re­spon­sive web de­sign, the Caleb Williams Pho­tog­ra­phy web­site now sup­ports view­ers… Con­tin­ue read­ing Main Web­site Update

Updated Blog

I just up­grad­ed my blog from the built-in 1&1 Word Press blog soft­ware to the newest ver­sion 2.8 soft­ware. Works great so far. Will get the URL is­sues fixed as soon as I can. —- Fixed now; so we’re back to the URL.

New Augsburg Wrestling Wiki

Still has a lot of work to go, but here is the first ver­sion of the Wiki. I need a lot of help, so please do what you can.