I shot the following three shots with a medium format Mamiya 645 camera system. I used the following lenses 45mm f/2.8, 80mm f/2.8, 150mm f/4.
The assignment was to shoot a city and what better city to use than the small town of Dundas, Minnesota. Instead of the typical city scenes, I shot along the Cannon River and go some nice landscapes within the city limits.
The first scene is on the river where a spring lets out into the river. The spring is farther up the hill and results in some nice open water.

The second scene is of the walk bridge between the east and west sides of Dundas.

The third scene is with the Archibald Mill.

Tech Specs:
Mamiya 645 with Ilford FP4+ (ASA 125) film. Shots were about f/11, 1/125 at ASA 125. For those that don’t know ASA is the same as ISO speed.