More Saints game images

Here are four im­ages from my edit of my “top” five im­ages for the June 23 Saints game. En­joy. You have seen two of them so far and will get an­oth­er one to­mor­row for the Fourth of July.


A young girl plays with an Elmo toy before a St. Paul Saints game on June 23, 2009.
A young girl plays with an Elmo toy be­fore a St. Paul Saints game on June 23, 2009.

One from the game:

The Souix Falls Canaries right fielder slides to make a catch during a game against the Saint Paul Saints on June 23, 2009. The Saints won the game 12-3.
The Souix Falls Ca­naries right field­er slides to make a catch dur­ing a game against the Saint Paul Saints on June 23, 2009. The Saints won the game 12–3.

But wait, there’s more, here are two more im­ages you have al­ready seen, but larg­er and ready for the web.

Ja­cob But­ler celebrating:

St. Paul Saints outfielder Jacob Butler celebrates with first-base coach Charlie Ruud after Butler hit his second of two home runs of the inning as part of an 11-run bottom-of-the-sixth for the Saints. The Saints beat the Sioux Falls Canaries 12-3, in part due to Butlers 5 RBI, on June 23 at Midway Stadium in Saint Paul. In celebration of Minnesota?s history in the Negro Leagues, both teams donned uniforms of past Negro League teams. The Saints wore the uniform of the Homestead (Penn.) Grays while the Canaries donned the uniform of the Newark (N.J.) Eagles.
St. Paul Saints out­field­er Ja­cob But­ler cel­e­brates with first-base coach Char­lie Ruud af­ter But­ler hit his sec­ond of two home runs of the in­ning as part of an 11-run bot­tom-of-the-sixth for the Saints. The Saints beat the Sioux Falls Ca­naries 12–3, in part due to But­lers 5 RBI, on June 23 at Mid­way Sta­di­um in Saint Paul. In cel­e­bra­tion of Minnesota?s his­to­ry in the Ne­gro Leagues, both teams donned uni­forms of past Ne­gro League teams. The Saints wore the uni­form of the Home­stead (Penn.) Grays while the Ca­naries donned the uni­form of the Newark (N.J.) Eagles.

Mike Wylie pitch­ing (re­crop):

St. Paul Saints pitcher Mitch Wylie throws a fastball during a game againts the Souix Falls Canaries on June 23, 2009. Wylie pitched six innings, giving up just three runs, all in the first two innings, while striking out six batters. Wylie improved his record to 5-2 with the win.
St. Paul Saints pitch­er Mitch Wylie throws a fast­ball dur­ing a game againts the Souix Falls Ca­naries on June 23, 2009. Wylie pitched six in­nings, giv­ing up just three runs, all in the first two in­nings, while strik­ing out six bat­ters. Wylie im­proved his record to 5–2 with the win.

Thanks for looking,

- Caleb


  1. Can i buy a copy of the Mitch Wylie Pho­to? Do you have an unedit­ed orig­i­nal? He teach­es my kids and we like to give him presents like this pho­to for Christ­mas. Thanks, Tim

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