January 19, 2012

MINNEAPOLIS -- Bernadette Roberts talks to Dwayne Hightower at a Minneapolis North girls basketball game at North High School in Minneapolis, Minn. on January 19, 2012. In the game, North defeated Edison High School 71-42.
MINNEAPOLIS -- Bernadette Roberts talks to Dwayne Hightower at a Minneapolis North girls basketball game at North High School in Minneapolis, Minn. on January 19, 2012. In the game, North defeated Edison High School 71-42.

Had the plea­sure of shoot­ing with Steve Kotvis again, this time at North High School.

MINNEAPOLIS -- Bernadette Roberts talks to Dwayne Hightower at a Minneapolis North girls basketball game at North High School in Minneapolis, Minn. on January 19, 2012. In the game, North defeated Edison High School 71-42.
MINNEAPOLIS — Bernadette Roberts talks to Dwayne High­tow­er at a Min­neapo­lis North girls bas­ket­ball game at North High School in Min­neapo­lis, Minn. on Jan­u­ary 19, 2012. In the game, North de­feat­ed Edi­son High School 71–42.

Bonus Images

MINNEAPOLIS -- Minneapolis North High School girls basketball player Shardarryl Harris, a senior forward, rebounds the ball in a game between North High School and Edison High School on Jan. 19, 2012 at North High School in Minneapolis, Minn. North won the game 71-42.
MINNEAPOLIS — Min­neapo­lis North High School girls bas­ket­ball play­er Shardar­ryl Har­ris, a se­nior for­ward, re­bounds the ball in a game be­tween North High School and Edi­son High School on Jan. 19, 2012 at North High School in Min­neapo­lis, Minn. North won the game 71–42.
MINNEAPOLIS -- Minneapolis Edison girls basketball players Nyesha Whitmore (right) and Doris Lobbins box out Minneapolis North's Kiear Hunter during a North free throw in the second half of a 71-42 North win on Jan. 19, 2012 at North High School in Minneapolis, Minn.
MINNEAPOLIS — Min­neapo­lis Edi­son girls bas­ket­ball play­ers Nye­sha Whit­more (right) and Doris Lob­bins box out Min­neapo­lis North’s Kiear Hunter dur­ing a North free throw in the sec­ond half of a 71–42 North win on Jan. 19, 2012 at North High School in Min­neapo­lis, Minn.
MINNEAPOLIS -- Minneapolis North girls basketball player Kiear Hunter shoots a free throw during the first half of a game against Minneapolis Edison High School at North High School on Jan. 19, 2012. North won 71-42.
MINNEAPOLIS — Min­neapo­lis North girls bas­ket­ball play­er Kiear Hunter shoots a free throw dur­ing the first half of a game against Min­neapo­lis Edi­son High School at North High School on Jan. 19, 2012. North won 71–42.


  1. these are re­al­ly good Caleb — es­pe­cial­ly like the 1st bonus im­age of the gym — has a panoram­ic feel

  2. Nice shots Caleb — what kind of flash did you have set up in that gym­na­si­um — un­usu­al to see flash used in a gymnasium

  3. There were two Pho­to­genic 600 w/s mono­lights (strobes), set up on each end of the court, on one side. They were Steve’s, he was just kind enough to let me use them.

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