Medium Format: Dundas

Archibald Mill

I shot the fol­low­ing three shots with a medi­um for­mat Mamiya 645 cam­era sys­tem. I used the fol­low­ing lens­es 45mm f/2.8, 80mm f/2.8, 150mm f/4.

The as­sign­ment was to shoot a city and what bet­ter city to  use than the small town of Dun­das, Min­neso­ta. In­stead of the typ­i­cal city scenes, I shot along the Can­non Riv­er and go some nice land­scapes with­in the city limits.

The first scene is on the riv­er where a spring lets out into the riv­er. The spring is far­ther up the hill and re­sults in some nice open water.


The sec­ond scene is of the walk bridge be­tween the east and west sides of Dundas.

Walk Bridge

The third scene is with the Archibald Mill.

Archibald Mill

Tech Specs:

Mamiya 645 with Il­ford FP4+ (ASA 125) film. Shots were about f/11, 1/125 at ASA 125. For those that don’t know ASA is the same as ISO speed.

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