Lake Byllesby Tubing

I went out to Lake Bylles­by in Dako­ta Coun­ty on Sun­day with my fam­i­ly. Got to shoot my step-broth­er Ethan tub­ing be­hind my Dad’s new 1980s boat.

All shot with Canon 30D and Sig­ma 70–200mm f/2.8.







Thanks for looking.

Comments/critiques/questions wel­come.


- Caleb


  1. Wow! Can I have a copy? You are re­al­ly tal­ent­ed! When can you come take pic­tures of my fam­i­ly on the lake?

  2. Ethan shared these pho­tos with me ‑Caleb, you are very tal­ent­ed. Of course, I love the sub­ject mat­ter (my son!) but wow—the col­ors, the fo­cus — the in­di­vid­ual drops of water…spectacular work.

  3. The 4th one with the drops of wa­ter should be en­tered in an “at the lake” mag­a­zine con­test. I think it would win. Ex­cel­lent shot.

  4. Thanks for the com­ments guys.

    Ka­trine, if you send an email to Jens, I’m sure we can work some­thing out. I don’t know if I’ll be in Chica­go any­time soon though.

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