Associated Collegiate Press’s 26th Annual National College Summer Jounalism Workshops


2:20: I just got done shoot­ing a video. Will try to get that bad boy up on YouTube soon. My part­ner was Jack­ie Cain of the Echo at St. Michael’s Col­lege in Ver­mont.

Ear­li­er I had Burg­er King: dou­ble cheese­burg­er and a straw­ber­ry shake. De­li­cious as al­ways. Nice walk down Wash­ing­ton Avenue.

10:20: Af­ter a de­li­cious piz­za and wings din­ner last night, An­drea, Ben and I all head­ed out sep­a­rate ways and I am now back at the U of M.

Sit­ting in with Ron John­son again. This time: 10 de­sign tips.



Back with Ron John­son of In­di­ana Uni­ver­si­ty. This time the work­shop is on Fun­da­men­tal News De­sign. Same room (Mur­phy 228) as with Joel Eisfelder.

Hope­ful­ly I’ll learn some good stuff to ap­ply to City Col­lege News.

Ron Johnson on Fundamentals of News Design
Ron John­son on Fun­da­men­tals of News Design


Af­ter a de­li­cious lunch at Dairy Queen, I am now sit­ting in on the “Na­tion­al Ad­ver­tis­ing & Your News­pa­per” work­shop with Joel Eis­felder of Cam­pus Me­dia Group.

Joel Eisfelder of Campus Media Group
Joel Eis­felder of Cam­pus Me­dia Group


I’m cur­rent­ly at the “In­De­sign Tips to Im­prove Ty­pog­ra­phy” ses­sion. Speak­er is Ron John­son of In­di­ana Uni­ver­si­ty.

Very in­ter­est­ing so far. Learn­ing a lot and re­in­forc­ing what I al­ready know, or thought I did.Ron Johnson Speaking


David Brauer is speak­ing right now. Very in­ter­est­ing so far.

David Brauer of MinnPost.
David Brauer of MinnPost.


I got here not that long ago and have reg­is­tered. The Keynote speak­er starts in 15 min­utes. The speak­er is Min­nPost’s David Brauer. Will keep you read­ers up­dat­ed as times goes by. Hope­ful­ly I’ll be learn­ing about quite a few things here: Ad­ver­tis­ing, Layout/Graphic De­sign and some “cut­ting edge” audio/video techniques.

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