Elements of Light: Color


This part of the El­e­ments of Light is fo­cus on the use of col­or as an ac­cent­ing fea­ture of shot.

In this shot, I used a bot­tle of Irish Manor Leg­endary Irish Cream Liqueur that the PHDI de­part­ment has as a prop.

Irish Manor Leg­endary Irish Cream Liqueur

To light this shot, I used two lights, a main light and a col­or light. The main light is bare with a large scrim in front of it soft­en­ing the light. The col­or light has two blue gels in front of it which both knocks down the amount of col­or, but also makes it a bit more in­tense. I also used is a re­flec­tor next to the col­or light and one next to the main light. Both re­flect in the bot­tle pro­vid­ing form.

Be­cause the col­or light was a hard light, it was cre­at­ing a high­light that I did­n’t re­al­ly want, so I put an­oth­er scrim in front of the col­or light which soft­ened it nice­ly. How­ev­er, that also made the re­flec­tion in the rear a bit less intense.

Irish Manor Legendary Irish Cream Liqueur
Irish Manor Leg­endary Irish Cream Liqueur

Tech Specs:

Canon 30D + 17–85mm f/4–5.6 IS. ISO 100. f/13. 1/4″.

Big thanks to Ru, Robin and Beth who helped me out with the light­ing and to Clem for the back­drop ad­vise and of course to Mar­i­lyn for a few tips.

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