MCTC T Building

I took these pho­tos yes­ter­day for my in­tro pho­tog­ra­phy class at MCTC.

Artist State­ment:
In our busy lives, we can’t al­ways stop to take a look around and see the pho­tos in every­day life. Here I tried to cap­ture in­ter­est­ing an­gles here at MCTC’s Tech­ni­cal Building.


I wanted this image to be a combination of line and space. I was fortunate to have both the lines of the ceiling and the ones of the pillars. I also think space is created nicely through the  receding forms of the pillars.  Tech Specs: Canon 30D & Canon 28-105mm f/3.5 – 4.5; ISO 100; 0.4 seconds @ f/16; f = 30mm.
I want­ed this im­age to be a com­bi­na­tion of line and space. I was for­tu­nate to have both the lines of the ceil­ing and the ones of the pil­lars. I also think space is cre­at­ed nice­ly through the re­ced­ing forms of the pil­lars. Tech Specs: Canon 30D & Canon 28–105mm f/3.5 – 4.5; ISO 100; 0.4 sec­onds @ f/16; f = 30mm.
As with the last image, I wanted to combine line and space, but also to show the outside. I was lucking enough to capture a bit of the outdoors as the windows were tinted enough to bring down the exposure and bring in detail of the windows.  Tech Specs:Canon 30D & Canon 28-105mm f/3.5 – 4.5; ISO 100; 0.4 seconds @ f/16; f = 28mm.
As with the last im­age, I want­ed to com­bine line and space, but also to show the out­side. I was luck­ing enough to cap­ture a bit of the out­doors as the win­dows were tint­ed enough to bring down the ex­po­sure and bring in de­tail of the win­dows. Tech Specs: Canon 30D & Canon 28–105mm f/3.5 – 4.5; ISO 100; 0.4 sec­onds @ f/16; f = 28mm.
Instead of focusing on line and space, I wanted to shoot with just line. Here I pointed the camera straight up  to get both the  “I-beams” and the skylights.  Tech Specs:Canon 30D & Canon 28-105mm f/3.5 – 4.5; ISO 100; 0.4 seconds @ f/16; f = 28mm.
In­stead of fo­cus­ing on line and space, I want­ed to shoot with just line. Here I point­ed the cam­era straight up to get both the “I‑beams” and the sky­lights. Tech Specs: Canon 30D & Canon 28–105mm f/3.5 – 4.5; ISO 100; 0.4 sec­onds @ f/16; f = 28mm.
I wanted to capture the I-beams again, but from a different angle, so I backed up as far as possible and got them from the side.  Tech Specs:Canon 30D & Canon 28-105mm f/3.5 – 4.5; ISO 100; 0.8 seconds @ f/16; f = 28mm.
I want­ed to cap­ture the I‑beams again, but from a dif­fer­ent an­gle, so I backed up as far as pos­si­ble and got them from the side. Tech Specs: Canon 30D & Canon 28–105mm f/3.5 – 4.5; ISO 100; 0.8 sec­onds @ f/16; f = 28mm.
One of the exits out of the T Building. Like the others, I chose not to include people in this picture.  Tech Specs:Canon 30D & Canon 28-105mm f/3.5 – 4.5; ISO 100; 1 second @ f/16; f = 28mm.
One of the ex­its out of the T Build­ing. Like the oth­ers, I chose not to in­clude peo­ple in this pic­ture. Tech Specs: Canon 30D & Canon 28–105mm f/3.5 – 4.5; ISO 100; 1 sec­ond @ f/16; f = 28mm.
Here I threw all the rules all of the rules out the window and just shot this as abstract art. (It was pointed out to me in class that I still kept the rule of thirds, but whatever.) Tech Specs:Canon 30D & Canon 28-105mm f/3.5 – 4.5; ISO 100; 1/16 seconds @ f/16; f = 40mm.
Here I threw all the rules all of the rules out the win­dow and just shot this as ab­stract art. (It was point­ed out to me in class that I still kept the rule of thirds, but what­ev­er.) Tech Specs: Canon 30D & Canon 28–105mm f/3.5 – 4.5; ISO 100; 1/16 sec­onds @ f/16; f = 40mm.
MCTC is full of nice-looking signs, here is one of them.  Tech Specs:Canon 30D  & Sigma 70-200 f/2.8; ISO 100; 0.6 seconds @ f/8.0; f = 135mm.
MCTC is full of nice-look­ing signs, here is one of them. Tech Specs: Canon 30D & Sig­ma 70–200 f/2.8; ISO 100; 0.6 sec­onds @ f/8.0; f = 135mm.
Another of MCTC’s signs.  Tech Specs:Canon 30D  & Sigma 70-200 f/2.8; ISO 100; 1/13 seconds @ f/8.0; f = 200mm.
An­oth­er of MCTC’s signs. Tech Specs: Canon 30D & Sig­ma 70–200 f/2.8; ISO 100; 1/13 sec­onds @ f/8.0; f = 200mm.
I noticed this rocking chair while shooting the rest of the T building. It was just sitting there, a bit alone.  Tech Specs:Canon 30D  & Sigma 70-200 f/2.8; ISO 100; 1/13 seconds @ f/4.0; f = 110mm.
I no­ticed this rock­ing chair while shoot­ing the rest of the T build­ing. It was just sit­ting there, a bit alone. Tech Specs: Canon 30D & Sig­ma 70–200 f/2.8; ISO 100; 1/13 sec­onds @ f/4.0; f = 110mm.

But wait, there’s more, here’s an HDR:

Tech Specs: Canon 30D & Canon 28-105mm f/3.5 – 4.5; ISO 100; 1/6, 0.6 and 0.8 seconds @ f/16; f = 28mm.
Tech Specs: Canon 30D & Canon 28–105mm f/3.5 – 4.5; ISO 100; 1/6, 0.6 and 0.8 sec­onds @ f/16; f = 28mm.

I was brack­et­ing for a good ex­po­sure be­tween the win­dows and the light of the in­doors when I re­al­ized that this would be an ide­al can­di­date for an HDR image.

While not much is gained through the HDR, enough of the out­side is ex­posed prop­er­ly for this to work.

Thanks for look­ing and as al­ways, comments/questions/concerns/critiques welcome.

- Caleb

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