HS Football: Hutchinson @ Northfield

Went to the North­field High School foot­ball game tonight. I watched a bit of the first half and shot the sec­ond half for fun. Hutchin­son won 19–14 with the Raider’s QB Sam Maus (col­lar­bone) out in the first quar­ter, North­field seemed a bit slug­gish on of­fense. Thanks for looking.

Featured Photo: June 26, 2009

The fol­low­ing shot is from an am­a­teur base­ball game I shot tonight. That’s all for now. This is rel­a­tive­ly new pitch­er for the Dun­das Dukes by the name of Aaron Troy­an­sky. Troy­an­sky played for Car­leton Col­lege as a ju­nior last sea­son and is from Lub­bock, Texas. Thanks for look­ing. — Caleb