A bit of back lighting

In class yes­ter­day, we were work­ing with ra­tio (the dif­fer­ence be­tween the true tone of a sub­ject and it’s shad­ow side). Us­ing a re­flec­tor, we filled in the shad­ow par­tial­ly. In this case, I had a scrim in front of the hot light di­rect­ly be­hind and slight­ly above the sub­ject and had light bounce back… Con­tin­ue read­ing A bit of back lighting

Side lighting

I shot a few shots of wine glass and a liquor bot­tle in class today.

Featured Photo: October 16, 2009

Here, Kei­th Sand of west­ern Wis­con­sin, sits at his maple syrup stand at the Min­neapo­lis Farm­ers Mar­ket in Min­neapo­lis, Minn. Canon 30D + 28–105mm f/3.5–5.6 (or sim­i­lar) + Canon 580 EX II; 1/250 @ f/18; ISO 400; f=48mm; Flash +1.5 EV: on-camera.

Associated Collegiate Press’s 26th Annual National College Summer Jounalism Workshops

Sat­ur­day: 2:20: I just got done shoot­ing a video. Will try to get that bad boy up on YouTube soon. My part­ner was Jack­ie Cain of the Echo at St. Michael’s Col­lege in Ver­mont. Ear­li­er I had Burg­er King: dou­ble cheese­burg­er and a straw­ber­ry shake. De­li­cious as al­ways. Nice walk down Wash­ing­ton Av­enue. 10:20: Af­ter… Con­tin­ue read­ing As­so­ci­at­ed Col­le­giate Press’s 26th An­nu­al Na­tion­al Col­lege Sum­mer Jounal­ism Workshops